Mühsam III

Descendants of Charlotte Sittenfeld


To understand how to read the family listings, click HERE.

            For an overview of the Pappenheim and Mühsam families, click HERE.

  Seligman PAPPENHEIM & Hinda ZÜLZ

  1. Salomon PAPPENHEIM (2 February 1740 - March 4 or 5, 1814)  The descendants of Salomon can be found HERE.

  2. Simon PAPPENHEIM (1731 - 1819)  The descendants of Simon can be found HERE.

  3. Löbel PAPPENHEIM   Löbel is discussed on THIS page, and possible descendants are found HERE.

  4. Valentin PAPPENHEIM  The descendants of Valentin can be found HERE.

  5. Pinkus MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM) (1737 - 28 July 1807) & Barbara (Berocho) JOSEPH JONAS ( - 14 August 1822)

  6.   Maria MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)* & Hirsch JACOB

  7.   Maria MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)* & Jonas LAX

  8.   Pesse MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM) (14 October 1776 - 28 January 1845) & Jacob SORAUER  The descendants of Pesse and Jacob SORAUER (my ancestors) are found on the SORAUER page.

  9.   Frommet MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM) & Benjamin BAGINSKY The descendants of Frommet and Benjamin BAGINSKY are found on the BAGINSKY page.

  10.   Esther MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)* & Samuel SCHWEITZER The descendants of Esther and Samuel SCHWEITZER are found on the SCHWEITZER page.

  11.   Esther MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)* & Salomon HEILBORN

  12.   Rösel MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM) (about 1790 - ) & Itzig PAPPENHEIM ( - 15 August 1838)  Descendants are found HERE.

  13.   Seligmann MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM) ( - 30 April 1831) & Dorothea COHN  Descendants are found HERE. 

  14.   Joseph Pincus MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM) (1785 - 8 February 1842) & Channa/Johanna PICK  Descendants are found HERE.

  15.   Karl MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)

  16.   Charlotte MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)* & Abraham SITTENFELD

  17. -  Pinkus MÜHSAM (SITTENFELD)* & Anna or Amalie FISCHHOFF (about 1808 - 30 August 1868)

  18.   Adolf MÜHSAM (2 January 1841 - ) & Karoline/Caroline BLOCH (about 1852 - 9 September 1892)

  19.   Eduard MÜHSAM (2 January 1842 - ) & Minnie REIS

  20.   Amy MÜHSAM & Abraham SAMUELS

  21.   Addie MÜHSAM & Alfred DORFMAN

  22. -  Eduard DORFMAN

  23.   Biedi MÜHSAM

  24.   Emilie MÜHSAM (SITTENFELD) (12 January 1843 - )

  25.   Fanny MÜHSAM (SITTENFELD) (24 January 1844 - )

  26.   Bertha MÜHSAM (27 June 1845 - 28 July 1867) & Max HEILMANN

  27.   Flora MÜHSAM & Max HEILMANN

  28.   Klara HEILMANN

  29.   Ernst HEILMANN

  30.   Julius MÜHSAM & Karoline GINSBERG

  31.   Hedwig MÜHSAM & Sami BLUMENFELD

  32. -  Rudi BLUMENFELD

  33. -  Alice BLUMENFELD

  34.   Max MÜHSAM

  35.   Amalie MÜHSAM & Heinrich SALZBERG

  36. -  Walter SALZBERG

  37.   Margarethe MÜHSAM & Martin HIRSCH

  38. -  Alice HIRSCH

  39. -  Erwin HIRSCH

  40.   Berta MÜHSAM & Adolf MAMELOK

  41. -  Julius MAMELOK

  42.   Anna MÜHSAM (about 1850 - 31 July 1867)

  43.   Clara MÜHSAM

  44.   Dr. med. Ernst MÜHSAM & Helene RITTNER

  45.   Daug MÜHSAM (SITTENFELD) (about 1853 - 31 July 1867)

  46. -  Pinkus MÜHSAM (SITTENFELD)* & Johanna MANASSE

  47. Charlotte MÜHSAM (formerly PAPPENHEIM)* & Michael RECHNITZ

*People with asterisks after their names were married two or more times.  They have a separate line for each spouse.

The name MÜHSAM was originally taken by Pinkus MÜHSAM, formerly Pinkus PAPPENHEIM, as described HERE.  After Pinkus’ heroic actions during the battle of Leuthen and his fight to be able to live in the town of Pitschen, the King honored him by given him the name MÜHSAM, because of his efforts (“Mühe”). 

Pinkus’ daughter, Charlotte, married Abraham SITTENFELD, and they had a son, Pinkus, named after his grandfather.  When Abraham SITTENFELD died, Charlotte wanted to move back to Pitschen (see MAP), but couldn’t get permission from the town.  She then began using her father’s name of MÜHSAM for herself and her son, instead of SITTENFELD.  Because of the position her father had had in Pitschen, she and her son, also named Pinkus, were able to return to Pitschen.  She was later remarried to Michael RECHNITZ, but her son continued to use the name MÜHSAM, and that is the name that his descendants went by.

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If you are related to anyone on this page I would very much like to hear from you.  You can contact me at geneo (at) theKesters.net or

Daniel Kester

Page added:  March 17, 2009        Last update: April 4, 2010

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